Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New recording in the works

"All that Surrounds Me" was written in 2005 after coming home from a week spent in London in July of that year. Our stay was sandwiched between two bombings: the first took place a week before our arrival, the second, a week after we had left.

We spent the week basking in glorious weather, seeing sites, eating delicious Indian, Portuguese and Thai food (as well as great pub fare!) and generally walking from 7:00 in the morning to 11:00 at night.

The song was the first to be arranged for the Crucible Electric Chamber Ensemble but was never recorded by this group. So, before loosing sight of it, I have decided to commit it to tape.

This evening, I recorded a rough vocal and rhythm guitar track onto track 1; track 2 received a double mix of miked acoustic guitar with the pickup being fed through the Hi-Z channel to give a brighter sound. After this had been done (one take for each run through was sufficient), my son came down to the studio and decided to have some fun, patching his voice through the various sound effects I have on the console.

A new piece is also taking shape, using the Schillinger techniques of Expansion and Contraction using r9÷8 as rhythmic template. The piece might become an orchestrated version of "Hyparxis" or might stand on its own. We shall see.

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